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{新登数码兽}吉利兽 ギリードゥモン Ghilliedhumon《数码宝贝》图鉴

发稿时间:2022-11-12 19:33:12 来源: 哔哩哔哩


数码世界中的名字等级     完全体类型     妖精型属性     数据种必杀技   真实之眼:看穿敌人的身体,准确定位他们的数码核心             核心射击:用来复枪把敌人射穿贝洛塔设定简介:




其他版本:A forest-dwelling Digimon that is particularly skilled at hunting. Ghilliedhumon is an incredibly adept hunter, and its camouflage-covered body allows it to blend in with the forest and strike without giving its position away to its prey. Though Ghilliedhumon has a peaceful disposition, it is very territorial over its hunting grounds, and those who carelessly wander into its domain will be sniped without warning. Ghilliedhumon prefers slow movements to avoid leaving any signs or making any sound. As such, it struggles to move swiftly. Ghilliedhumon"s eyes have special abilities, and its True Sight skill allows it to see even inside Digimon prey, and accurately locate their Digicores. Ghilliedhumon then uses its trusty rifle, "Bellota," to perform its Core Snipe move and finish off its targets.





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