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最新资讯:剑狮兽(黄金剑狮兽) サーベルレオモン Saber Leomon

发稿时间:2023-03-06 14:44:11 来源: 哔哩哔哩

名字:剑狮兽(黄金剑狮兽) サーベルレオモン Saber Leomon


等级:究极体 [1]


属性:数据 [2]



首次登场:1998年9月 数码怪兽 Ver.S



必杀技&得意技:粉碎之爪    Nail Crusher    ネイルクラッシャー

无限飞箭    Infinity Arrow    インフィニティアロー



注释:1、在SS游戏《数码怪兽 Ver.S》中等级为「完全体」。2、在卡片St-671等中属性为「疫苗」。










进化自:格斗狮子兽邦加兽、妖精兽(与资料种完全体合体)、、三觭龙兽(或与资料种完全体合体)、、门左卫兽、沙路比兽、电子龙兽、蛋蛋兽、长毛象兽、钢铁豆豆兽、宝石蜂兽、阿斯塔兽、蛮牛兽(与犬神兽合体进化)、Astamon、Caturamon (with Vajramon)、Cerberumon、Cyberdramon、Digitamamon、Flaremon、Gorimon、Grappu Leomon(with or without Zudomon and Leomon)、Jewelbeemon、Knightmon、Lamortmon (with or without a Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster)、Leomon(with or without Warp Evolutionor Grappu Leomon and Zudomon)、Lynxmon (with Zudomon)、Mach Gaogamon、Mammon、Metal Mamemon、Monzaemon、Panjyamon、Panjyamon (X-Antibody)、Piccolomon (with Triceramon, Triceramon (X-Antibody), certain Digimon of the Pendulum Ver.20th series, or certain Data Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum)、Poyomon(Warp Evolution)、Rapidmon Perfect、Taomon、Triceramon (with or without Piccolomon, certain Digimon of the Pendulum Ver.20th series[39], or certain Data Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum)、Triceramon (X-Antibody) (with Piccolomon)、Vajramon (with Caturamon)、Waru Monzaemon、Zudomon (with or without Lynxmon or Grappu Leomon and Leomon)

进化为:番长狮子兽、白虎兽(与维京兽、古代贤者兽、迪路兽合体进化)、奥米加兽(与战斗暴龙兽、黑暗战斗暴龙兽合体)Baihumon (with Vikemon, Ancient Wisemon and Tailmon)、Bancho Leomon、Dinotigermon(with or without Bancho Leomon)、Kaiser Leomon (with Gaogamon and Sheepmon)、Omegamon (with War Greymon or Black War Greymon)






英文版介绍:After being exposed to the light of the Digivices, Leomon gained the ability to evolve straight to his Ultimate form, Saber Leomon. He remained an ally, but admitted he couldn"t quite control the ability to evolve. He was killed by Metal Etemon when he used up all his strength to jab his claws into Metal Etemon"s wound. However, Orgemon said that the Village of Beginnings had been ruined by the Dark Masters, so Leomon could not be reconfigured, along with Tyumon, Whamon and Piccolomon.




英文版介绍:Saber Leomon was mad at humanity because they attacked the Digimon World and killed many Digimon. Unlike Mercurymon, Saber Leomon did not want a peaceful solution, but sought only revenge. When Saber Leomon arrived in the human world in "Defeat the Ultimate! Surging Saber Leomon" he destroyed several buildings and was able to fight Mach Gaogamon and Rize Greymon with ease. However, Kurata Akihiro sent a Gizmon: AT into battle. Gizmon weakened the Ancient Beast and disappeared. After that, Daimon Masaru was able to injure Saber Leomon"s right fang with a punch. Finally, Saber Leomon realized his imminent defeat and Rize Greymon killed him with his Trident Revolver.


《数码怪兽 Ver.S》

《数码怪兽 Ver.WS》


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《数码兽物语 失落的进化》


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《数码兽世界 -next 0rder-国际版》

《数码兽物语 网络侦探 黑客记忆》



Digital Monster Ver. S

Digimon World

A statue of Saber Leomon is found in Leomon"s Ancestral Cave.

Digital Monster Ver. WonderSwan

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer

Saber Leomon is an obtainable Variable Move. Its attack, Infinity Arrow, reduces the SP of one enemy to 2/3. It costs 8 VP.

Digimon World 2

Saberleomon is an obtainable Digimon. Evolves from Digitamamon (0+ DP), Panjyamon (0-8 DP) or Metal Mamemon (9+ DP).

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers

Digimon World 3

SaberLeomon is a collectable green card with 10/10 stats.

Digimon RPG

Digital Monster: D-Project

Saber Leomon is the second Ultimate of the Gabumon line. It will evolve from Garurumon in battle if its battle points and happiness requirements are met.

Digimon Story

Saber Leomon can evolve from Rapidmon Perfect at Lv44 and Attack 200+.

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight

Saber Leomon can be found in Proxy Island in Digimon Story: Moonlight after completing the Gaia Origin quest. It can also be evolved from Grappu Leomon at Lv57, Attack 290+ and Beast EXP 20000+, or formed by the Jogress of Zudomon and Lynxmon.

Digimon Championship

Digimon Masters

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution

Saber Leomon is found in Proxy Island. It can also be evolved from Grappu Leomon at Lv39, after reviving Saber Leomon, befriended Leomon and Speed 170+.

Digimon Life

Digimon Xros Arena

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red

Digimon Collectors

Digimon Crusader

Digimon Adventure

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode

Digimon Fortune

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

Digimon Soul Chaser

Digimon World -next 0rder-

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon Linkz

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker"s Memory

Digimon ReArise

Digimon Encounters

Digimon New Century

Digimon Survive


Digimon Pendulum Ver 1 Nature Spirits & Ver 1.5 Nature Spirits

Obtainable by Jogressing Triceramon or Piccolomon with a compatible Digimon.


D-Power Version 3.0

Saber Leomon evolves from Grappu Leomon.


D-Scanner 1.0


Digimon Xros Loader

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster


狮子:野兽名,其体大毛多,身毛呈棕黄色,尾端生丛毛。语出汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪三》:“ 乌弋国去长安万五千三百里,出狮子、犀牛。”

标签: 数码兽大冒险 战斗暴龙兽 数码暴龙 数码兽拯救者 电子宠物 平田广明 WITH 网络侦探 上别府仁资 奥米加兽 卡片战斗 恐ろしい 合体战争 太刀川美美 SUNBURST 黑客记忆


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