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【歌词翻译】Know Your Heart / Tacitly

发稿时间:2023-03-04 05:48:20 来源: 哔哩哔哩



Know Your Heart / Know Your Heart(日文版) / Know Your Heart(中文版)词、曲、编曲:Dasu / 日文歌词:Tacitly / 中文歌词:Mes / 演唱:Tacitly在线音乐收听平台:https://lnk.to/_tacitly_KnowYourHeart

"I really want to know your heart!"如果能读懂你思绪Your hands are trembling in fear,不安的你手抖个不停Just say what you feel别再守口如瓶"My voice screams for your heart!"我的歌为你而鸣What should I do to make you怎样才能传达到understand你心底Sometimes I, do wonder想猜透 没答案What"s inside your head all the time聊天时你的思绪While I talk to you究竟去了哪里Look above us,望向天空the white clouds, brings me to wrap you around云朵将你推向我my warm embrace温暖怀抱But I但是Can"t really do it,我却动弹不得I can"t really say it张口说不出话Oh- why am I so nervous?我怎么这样紧张To tell you how ("I like you?")无法告白心意Can"t really do it,实在做不到但But wait wait a minute!请再等我一下I want you to know.想传达到的心意I look into your eyes, I could see how they shine,盯着你也正看着我的reflect into mine闪耀的眼睛"I really want to know your heart!"如果能读懂你思绪Your hands are trembling in fear,不安的你手抖个不停Just say what you feel别再守口如瓶"My voice screams for your heart!"我的歌为你而鸣What should I do to make you怎样才能传达到understand你心底Even if,即使你the world has shown me all your tears,流下过太多眼泪Come with me,牵着手Dance with me Show me all of your emotions!尽情喜怒哀乐我陪你一起Oh Stop being so shy!哦请不用再害羞躲闪You are the only one I love,你是我深爱的唯一The only one, my love我深爱的唯一Under this umbrella,在这把伞下I kept my head away from the rain,钻进伞下躲避这敲打在Away from this pain我的伤口上的雨I faced forward,想要直面A coward like me can never但怯懦的我太难speak out my thoughts to a person like you对你把心意说出口But I但是Can"t really do it,我却动弹不得I can"t really say it张口说不出话Oh- why am I so nervous?我怎么这样紧张To tell you how ("I like you?")无法告白心意Can"t really do it,实在做不到但But wait wait a minute!请再等我一下I want you to know.想传达到的心意I look into your eyes, I could see how they shine,盯着你也正看着我的reflect into mine闪耀的眼睛How great it would be to have you by my side有你伴我身边会是怎样的幸福all the time...这一生I must confess I truly like you...此刻我已不可救药 必须向你告白真心I will forever cherish your bright smile...我会永远爱着你灿烂的笑脸And I listened to you say...等待着你的答案"I really want to know your heart!"如果能读懂你思绪Your hands are trembling in fear,不安的你手抖个不停Just say what you feel别再守口如瓶"My voice screams for your heart!"我的歌为你而鸣What should I do to make you怎样才能传达到understand你心底Even if,即使你the world has shown me all your tears,流下过太多眼泪Come with me,牵着手Dance with me Show me all of your emotions!尽情喜怒哀乐我陪你一起Oh Stop being so shy!哦请不用再害羞躲闪You are the only one I love,你是我深爱的唯一The only one, my love我深爱的唯一

标签: LOVE 中文歌词 Come With 在线音乐 like TACITLY DASU what 不可救药 HTTPS


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